Copper Bottle Business

New Product Copper Bottle for Business

Hey, friends welcome to our blog. Today we are going to tell you about a new product that is COPPER BOTTLE. Yes friends you heard it right and guess what you can start your own copper bottle export business with such low capital investment. Yes, no need to invest in lakhs to start this export business, and guess what Margins are very high in this product. Moreover, there is very little competition in this copper bottle business. Now usually a question arises who will buy such kind of bottle when they have plenty of options like Glass Bottles and Plastic bottles that are too available at a cheaper rate. So let me tell you friends it’s a new trending product in international trade as well as domestic trade. People are replacing Plastic and glass bottles with Copper bottles because it has multiple benefits compared to glass and plastic bottles. Let’s get to know about the benefits of drinking water from Copper Bottles. Copper Mugs And Containers Have A Rich History: Copper Vessels and Mugs Have a Long History: Despite the fact that ancient societies had little awareness of germs and other potentially harmful bacteria, copper appears in almost all ancient medical texts. Copper’s advantages and applications have been extensively documented in ancient writings from around the world. According to antique Ayurveda teachings, drinking liquid from a copper pitcher therapies the three doshas of the form, namely Vata, Pitha, and Kapha, by positively charging the water. Tamra Jal was water that had been preserved for 6-8 hours in a copper jar. The Benefits Of Drinking Water Stored In Copper Bottles And Copper Vessels Are As Follows :When water is kept in a copper jar or bottle for an additional eight hours, the Oligodynamic effect develops. Some of copper’s ions are released into the water. Copper has been associated with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and antioxidant properties. Because the human body cannot create the trace amounts of copper it needs to function correctly, copper must be ingested through food or water. Copper, on the other hand, is beneficial to the human body in a variety of ways. Drinking water from a copper bottle has 12+ wonderful health benefits:

  1. Increases brain efficiency: Electrical impulses transmit information between the brain and the rest of the body. By carrying out these impulses, copper promotes cell connection, allowing the brain to work more efficiently.
  2. Weight Loss: Copper aids weight loss by assisting in the dissolution of excess fat deposits in the body. Even when a person is sleeping, copper keeps the body in a fat-burning state; nevertheless, too much copper can harm the body. As a result, this is the best product we’ve ever had, and demand for Copper bottles is increasing by the day. Now tell us where we can get Copper bottles for a reasonable price.
  3. Infection is ruled out: Water stored in copper bottles for more than 8 hours is devoid of all such microbes, as copper is a natural antibiotic. Copper is effective against E. Coli, S. aureus, and Cholera Bacillus, as well as other common watery pathogens.
  4. Stroke Prevention: Copper has antidepressant properties, which makes it a good seizure preventative. Because copper possesses antioxidant properties, a deficit would allow oxidants to act more quickly and efficiently, increasing the risk of a stroke.
  5. Supports Thyroid Gland Function: Copper is the most common trait among thyroid patients, according to doctors. Copper balances the thyroid gland’s discrepancies, i.e., it energizes the thyroid gland so that it can function properly, but it also protects the thyroid gland from the harmful effects of too much secretion.
  6. Reduces Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels: Copper is proven to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, according to the American Cancer Society. If a copper shortage has been present throughout childhood, hypotension will occur. Adults with copper deficiency, on the other hand, develop hypertension. As a result, trace levels of copper are essential for blood pressure management in humans.
  7. Prevents Cancer: Copper is an antioxidant, which means it fights free radicals and neutralizes their harmful effects. In the energies, free radicals and their damaging effects have been primary causes of cancer. Copper also aids in the creation of Melanin, which provides one’s skin and eyes colo and protects them from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
  8. Prevents Anaemia: Copper aids in the digestion of food to produce haemoglobin, as well as assists the body in absorbing iron, which is deficient in anaemia. Copper deficiency in humans can cause rare hematoma logical diseases, which can lead to death.
  9. Treats Arthritis and Inflammation of the Joints: Copper has anti-inflammatory qualities that help people with arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Copper also has bone-strengthening qualities, making it an excellent arthritis treatment.
  10. Aids Digestion: Copper-based medication was prescribed in ancient Roman literature to destroy bacteria in the stomach. Rendering to Ayurveda, eating “Tamra Jal” washes and cleanses the stomach.
  11. Copper Helps the Cardiovascular System: Copper helps to remove plaque and dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the heart. Copper deficiency has been linked to cardiac muscle disintegration in studies, resulting in insufficient blood flow, poor blood circulation, and inability to breathe.
You can buy from Delhi Sadar Bazar (Dipti Ganj) Market, Moradabad Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra Tamba Kanta Market. We also suggest our Trainees drink water regularly from copper bottles to avoid health problems. Because in our Training center we treat our trainees like a family. You can also sell copper bottles in the Domestic Market. It will hardly cost you 200-300 Rupees per bottle depending on their quality and design and sell it on the bid amount. Also if you buy in bulk quantity from the wholesaler then it will cost you very little. You can also compare the price and margins on amazon, Flipkart, and other e-commerce businesses websites. People in Indian e-commerce business sites are selling at 500- 2000 Rs per bottle. Yes go and check it, and to know the international selling price of copper bottles you can check on People are selling between the range of 20-40 $ per bottle internationally. You will see how sellers are earning such massive profit margins from this product. So this is the reason why Mr. Ankush Dhawan is the best mentor you ever get and we are the best export import training learning platform across India. Because we believe in giving Quality Training and information. Hope you like it. So start your Copper Bottle business now.


  • Drinking water from a copper bottle twice a day (in the morning and evening) is more than enough to provide your body with the copper it needs.
  • Stop drinking water from a copper bottle and take a pause. Take a month off after drinking water from a copper bottle on a regular basis for two months. This permits the body to get rid of any excess copper.
  • Drinking water from a copper bottle on an empty stomach is the greatest way to start the day.
  • Purchase a pure copper vase or bottle. Midlife Shop sells the same item with a guarantee* on metal purity. (According to the manufacturer’s claims)
  • Using a Copper Bottle as a Drinking-Water, Correctly and Safely:
  • Despite all of the copper’s benefits, it’s important to note that it’s only needed in trace amounts in the human body. It’s also important to remember that too much of a good thing may be dangerous, especially when it comes to the delicate balance of human chemistry. Although water makes up 75% of our anatomy, one cannot consume water preserved in a copper jar all day and every day. Here are some guidelines for safe drinking water from a copper vessel:
  • Fill the bottle halfway with water and keep it in a cold, dry area overnight, for the entire day, or for 8 hours.
  • Do not store the bottle in the refrigerator.


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